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Hiring robot to work in hotel

hotel hires robots

Have you ever thought of the hotel worker who is always in a nice mood, doesn’t need to sleep during the night time and will never get tired?

Nowadays so many things that were a science fiction not so long ago become now reality and even hiring a robot becomes possible.

Hilton hotel hires a robot

The world known hotel Hilton Worldwide decided to make a difference in hotel services work and together with IBM created the first robot – concierge in the world.

The robot is constructed on the basis of the artificial intellect and can learn while communicating with the guests.

The name of the new hotel employee is Conni – in the name of the founder of the world known hotel network – Conrad Hilton.

Robot Conni will be taught to serve the guests and also to be able to tell the visitors about the services of the hotel and main sightseeing.

Currently the new hotel employee is under probation period in Hilton McLean hotel, working closely with other colleagues.