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Top 10 Plane Ticket Booking Sites for Seamless Travel

Booking flights has become a breeze with the plethora of online options available today. From comparing prices to getting the best deals, travellers have a range of websites at their…

What to do when you arrive at the airport?

What to do when you arrive at the airport if you are flying for the first time in your life and feel a bit awkward. Arriving at the airport you…

How early to get to the airport?

How early do you need to get to the airport for a flight? This is one of the major questions for everyone going on vacations. We want to spend our…

Airplane Seats Types

Getting a nice seat on a plane is basically the start of your trip. This is why everyone would like to know airplane seats types, since each aircraft has its…

How to book cheap flights online – step by step guide

Start saving and learn how to book cheap airline tickets online! When we start making holidays plans, most probably we shall start with the search for flight tickets price to the…

Types of Airlines in the World

Types of airlines, what are they? All the airlines are different and have their own classification and features depending on the country. The United States’ different airlines are owned privately…

Meaning of the international airport abbreviations around the world

When travelling we pay attention to the international airport abbreviations on the flight tickets and boarding passes. Same abbreviations or codes are used on the luggage invoices and in the…

What is e-ticket? Advantages of etickets

An e-ticket, or electronic ticket, is a digital ticket that is stored and retrieved electronically rather than being printed on paper. E-tickets are commonly used for transportation, such as air…

Overbooked flights – air companies’ obligations and passengers’ rights.

Overbooked flights mean the airlines sell more seats then are actually available in a plane. Why air companies allow overbooked flights and what can passengers do in case it turns…

Where is the best place to sit on plane?

The best place to sit on plane is one of the major conditions to make your flight comfortable. Experienced travelers already know the aircraft configurations and try to select the…

Flying internationally – tips on travelling for the first time to another country

Flying internationally can be a challenge if you are traveling for the first time. We have listed some tips to help get ready for the trip and feel comfortable. Flying internationally…