Museum of Cosmonautics of Sergei Korolev located in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, will be of great interest for both, adults and kids. Also Museum of Cosmonautics is an interesting spot to learn about space and space crafts.
In 1907 famous Sergei Korolev, founder of practical cosmonautics was born in Zhytomyr. Later to commemorate his tremendous input into space research in 1970 house-museum of Korolev was open in the center of the city.
The exhibits for the collection of museum were gathered from all over the world. During excursion to the museum you will learn about life and work of famous engineer and outstanding scientist, Sergei Korolev.
Exhibits of the Museum of Cosmonautics
Information about solar system and first attempts of discovering it are presented in space exposition.
There is a swimming pool in the very center of the hall. It symbolizes all alive creatures. Bible in the center of the hall is the symbol of wisdom. Such symbolic installation reveals the main objective of the museum.
Another section of Museum of Cosmonautics exhibits space devices, hand written notes and records. This section tells about the history of the rocket building.
Also there are models of devices, which were in space and everything that is related with them.
There is one more section in the Museum of Cosmonautics, related to the first launch of the satellite. Exhibits are devoted to the first in the history of mankind launch of artificial satellite of planet.
Exhibition of stamps is also very interesting part of the Museum of Cosmonautics. Beginning of the space era has started same time as the popularity of collecting of stamps reached its top all over the world.
Zhytomyr Cosmonautics museum is not just a museum, it tells stories of people whose fates were closely connected with the history of space research and thanks to whom the dream of flying into the space became reality.
Address of the Cosmonauts museum in Zhytomyr:
5 Dmitrievskaya Str.,
Phone numbers: +38 (0412) 37 95 23; 37 20 30; 37 26 53
Interesting facts about Ukraine
Memorial house-museum of Korolev in Zhytomyr
Memorial house-museum of Korolev is former home, where the scientist lived.
It is well preserved and you will find things from the period of his life: his photos, books, documents related to his life and activity.