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How to Pack for a Camping Trip

How to Pack for a Camping Trip

For many people spring and summer are the best seasons for outdoor activities and camping is one of the most popular ones.

But each time we are going camping, we think of how to pack for a camping trip in the most efficient way and make sure we are ready for any situation.

Let’s check some helpful recommendations to make your process of packing for a camping trip less stressful.

The first tip we would like to suggest to you is decide what kind of outdoor activities you plan for your camping trip.

The whole camping packing list will depend on it.

You can prepare a list of the items for camping, and pack accordingly.

Do not forget about the most important camping advice – put heavier items on the bottom of your bag and the lighter items should be packed on the top.

If you pack this way, your travel bag will be better balanced and it will be easier for you to carry it.

Decide on activities and pack accordingly

After you have decided on what outdoor activities you will have during our camping trip, you can start packing.

For example, if you are going to hike – you will need appropriate boots and clothes, water bottle, snacks, maps.

Should you plan swimming during your camping trip – make sure to take a bathing suit with you.

Create a checklist for items you will need for your camping trip

Checklists are a great way to keep under control what you pack for the trip, avoid taking unnecessary items and ensure you take those items you surely will need.

When the checklist is created you can start packing and cross out those items, which you hve already in your travel bag.

Here is a brief list of items you may need for a camping trip:

  • Tent
  • Blankets
  • Chairs
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Sleeping bag
  • Food and drinks
  • Maps

Check the functionality of your camping items

Before you leave on a camping trip it is important to check the functionality of all the items you are going to pack.

Most important items, like gas stoves must be checked for damage and whether they function properly.

It is very important to check the gas stove, if it has not been in use for a while.

Also, make sure the gas canister is full, maybe you will need to buy a new one.

Better to discover such issues before leaving on camping.

Double check the flashlights and the batteries, test the lighters.

These are simply steps, but they may become vital if you are willing to have a perfect camping trip.

How to Pack for a Camping Trip properly
Photo by BetaplusZ, Canva.com

How to pack for a camping trip properly?

Make sure you check your sleeping bag, tents, blankets, lighters and GPS system while packing for camping and in a couple of days before the departure.

If something should be purchased or changed/repaired, you should have enough time to fix it.

Doing that last minute before leaving for camping would be a disaster and doesn’t guarantee you will be able to do that in time.

Get ready with things like that step by step, to get ready for camping properly without a rush.

Items you cannot take with you for camping trip

There are certain items you cannot bring with you for camping.

The list of forbidden items should be available on the campsite regulations and may vary a lot.

For example, there are campsites, where only tents are allowed.

In some campsites cars and making fires are absolutely restricted and not allowed on the territory of the campsite.

All of such nuances you should check while planning your camping trip.

Such information is available on the websites of the campsites, or if you cannot find it, just call the campsite or ask questions in online camping communities.

Pack a tent

Tent is one of the most important items in your camping packing list.

If you haven’t have a chance to purchase a tent yet – check online shops, there is a huge variety of camping tents, of different sizes, shapes, etc.

Select the tent which fits your needs, and the number of people going with you for camping.

Do not panic if you are not sure how to install it.

You can practice setting up a tent before you go for a camping trip in your yard.

How to pack a camping backpack?

In case you are going to go hiking during your camping trip – get a backpack.

How to pack a backpack will depend on its size, number of days you are going to hike.

Long hiking trips will require more equipment, food and clothes to pack.

If you are going for a hiking trip alone and for 1 or 2 days, you can take a small backpack with you and less travel items.

Photo by vadimguzhva, Canva.com

Pack a robe

One of the recommendations we would like to give to everyone who is not sure how to pack for a camping trip – take a robe.

The robe doesn’t need a lot of space in your camping bag, but the number of ways using it during the trip is huge,

First of all you can use the robe to bind your sleeping pad to the backpack. Or you can use the robe to hang clothes.

You can cut the robe and use it depending on the needs during your camping trip.

Pack tarp for a camping trip

One of the items to pack for a camping trip is tarp. This is an important item, which will additionally protect the bottom of your tent.

Alternatively, you can use the tarp to cover your tent to keep it dry.

You can find various sizes of the tarps in camping shops and select the one, which fits best the size of your tent.

How to pack light for camping

When going for a camping trip you will need a flashlight or headlight. Both of them are powered by batteries.

Flashlights or headlights are very helpful during darker periods of time, when you need to find the way back to your campsite or to search for some items.

Headlamps are convenient to use during your camping trip, since they allow you to keep your hands free.

If you are going for a long camping trip make sure to take extra batteries with you.

Pack chairs for camping

Foldable chairs are very popular and you can use them not only for camping, but also for the outdoor activities in your yard, or on the terrace.

Collapsible camping chairs are light, and do not occupy a lot of space.

You will enjoy comfortable sitting in foldable chairs near the fire during camping or just having a relaxing time in your campsite.

The choice of foldable chairs for camping is enormous, and you will easily find the model in camping shops, which suits your activities and budget.

Pack matches or a lighter, firewood and axe

Lighting a fire during camping is not a problem when you have matches or a lighter with you.

Just make sure you add these items into your how to pack for a camping trip list and you will have no issues when starting a fire.

In some cases you also need to bring firewood with you for camping.

That depends on the regulations of the campsite.

In any case, we would recommend you pack an axe for a camping trip, as you may need to split the wood.

How to pack food for camping?

When going for a camping trip, you should be able to know how much food and water you will need.

Depending on the number of people going with you and type activities you can define which food to pack for camping.

For example, if you are going to have active outdoor activities, like hiking, you will burn more calories.

This is why it is important to ensure there is enough food packed for your camping trip.

More experienced travelers for example prefer to bring food, which would supply your body with more energy and for a longer period of time.

Of course, packing food for camping depends on how you are going to travel.

If you are going camping by car you would take mainly canned food, soups, beans, items which do not require to be stored in a fridge.

But if you are going on a camping trip by RV you would have more choice, if you have a fridge.

If you travel by RV you can take some meat, eggs, etc. And, of course, you won’t depend on the amount of food packed.

When you get ready for a camping trip, make sure to pack some pots and pans.

If you don’t have these items you can purchase them in the online stores, or just take your regular pans and pots.

They can be used during camping, the same way as pots and pans, which are designed for this type of activity. The main difference is that pots and pans for camping are lighter, and are sold in sets.

How to pack food for camping
Photo by vadimguzhva, Canva.com

Pack utensils and plates

One of the most important items for camping is water. You can either take it with you or buy it at the campsite, if there is such an option. Anyway it is better to have some water supply in your car just in case.

Keep a couple of bottled water in your car and you will be guaranteed to avoid dehydration during your camping trip.

If you do not have any water supplies during your camping trip and need to drink water from local waterways, make sure to boil it first.

When we are planning how to pack for a camping trip, take some spices with you.

There are portable sets for basic spices to pack for a trip, which will make your food tasty.

Pack utensils and plates
Photo by Solovyova, Canva.com

How to pack a first aid kit for a camping trip?

The first aid kit is a must have item in your travel bag. It must include medicines to heal cuts, burns and bumps.

You should also have some aspirin or another pain reliever in your first aid kit.

If you are also planning hiking, make sure your first aid kit is portable and contains only the most important items.

What else to pack for camping?

One of the items you should have in your backpack if you are going hiking with friends are whistles.

The whistles would help the members of your hiking group identify your or your members’ locations in case they get lost.

Also, hikers use whistles to inform the group about the danger or need help.

You can also pack portable alarms for your camping trip. These small portable devices will create loud sounds as soon as activated.

In addition to portable alarms and whistles, you should take a compass and/or GPS.

Both of these devices are extremely helpful in finding the way when hiking.

Make sure to take a map with you. The more detailed map you have the better.

Maps are helpful to find a nice location for camping, find a better route and trails in the mountains.

What else to pack for camping
Photo by Shaiith, Canva.com

How to pack things for camping?

Packing things properly allows you to check you have everything you need, you can find the item you need quickly and all the items are stored safely.

For example, you can store kitchen items in a large bag. You can use a plastic container, preferable a transparent one.

Put tarp at the bottom, then place a stove, pots and pans.

Do not forget about the main rule of packing – put heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on the top.

Sleeping bags, pads, blankets, pillows and tents can be packed in another bag.

One more advise on how to pack for a camping trip properly – you should pack similar items together.

For example, all the stuff to start a fire should be placed in one transparent plastic bag. This way you will be able to

quickly find what you need at the moment, and depending on the weather and situation.

How to pack things for camping
Photo by nataistock, Canva.com

With regards to clothes, and how to pack for a camping trip.

First of all you should check the weather forecast and pack only those clothes, which would be appropriate for the period of your trip and according to the weather conditions.

For camping trips during summer you would need a couple of T-shirts and shorts.

But remember, if you are going into the mountains, the weather may change quickly during a couple of hours, this is why it is recommended to have a set of warmer clothes.

In case you are fond of hiking, pack your hiking boots for a more convenient trip.

When you are planning on how to pack for a camping trip, make sure to take only those clothes you will need. Do not take too many clothes with you.

Do not forget to add a separate bag for dirty clothes into your backpack.

Based on what we have mentioned above, please see a basic packing for a camping trip list. You can adjust it of course according the season, length of your travel and outdoor activities:

  1. Tent
  2. Sleeping pads
  3. Sleeping bags
  4. Camping pillow
  5. Headlamps or flashlights (and batteries)
  6. Camping table
  7. Camping chairs
  8. Firewood
  9. Tablecloth
  10. Axe (for cutting firewood)
  11. Stove and fuel
  12. Matches/light/firestarter
  13. Cook pots
  14. Frying pan
  15. Eating utensils
  16. Cooking utensils
  17. Bottle opener, can opener
  18. Sharp knives
  19. Plates/bowls
  20. Cups
  21. Cutting board
  22. Cooler
  23. Water bottles
  24. Soap
  25. Trash bags
  26. Dish towel
  27. Grill rack
  28. Charcoal
  29. Camp grill and fuel
  30. Portable coffee/tea maker
  31. Small food-storage containers/bags/foil
  32. Large, clear plastic bins to store kitchen gear
  33. Navigation tools
  34. Binoculars
  35. Rainwear
  36. Long underwear
  37. Warm insulated jacket
  38. Fleece pants
  39. Gloves or mittens
  40. Warm hat
  41. Quick-drying pants/shorts
  42. Long-sleeve shirts
  43. Lightweight fleece or jacket
  44. Swimsuits
  45. Bandanas
  46. Sunscreen
  47. Sunglasses
  48. Sun hat
  49. Lip balm
  50. Insect repellent
  51. Insect repellent device
  52. Portable camp shower
  53. Credit card and/or cash
  54. ID
  55. Cellphone
  56. Campsite reservation confirmation (if required)
4 thoughts on “How to Pack for a Camping Trip”
  1. You should start your camping packing process several days or even weeks ahead of your trip. This gives you enough time to complete the list, and to purchase any missing items you may need for camping. I start packing at least 2 weeks before the departure, and each time I need to purchase or to find some items. If you have enough time for packing you can do in a rather relaxed manner, without any rush and getting nervous about things.

  2. I always start packing 2-3 weeks before leaving for the camping trip. It gives me time time to check all the items I need to take with me and to buy stuff I need. Also, I have enough time to repair something if it is broken for example. IN my opinion the sooner you start getting ready for your camping trip the better 🙂

  3. yes, at least two weeks before you leave on a trip! Otherwise you won’t have time to fix things and buy new ones if needed. I plan 3-4 weeks before we start on a camping trip, because we have 3 kids, and usually there are a lot of arrangements to be done for the camping trip. 3-4 weeks allows me and my husband get ready for the camping in the most effective way, and plan every detail of the trip.

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