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B2B Tour Operator Trends in 2023

B2B Tour Operator Trends in 2023

Keeping track with what the tourism market offers, as well as which are the latest travel trends, is necessary in order to be able to evaluate your existing collaborations. Are they still prosperous? Do they correspond to your (changing) needs and are they aligned with your brand’s overall plans and goals?

Providing top-quality services, is impossible to happen without staying up-to-date, something that later on leads to profit and success.

If you are interested in learning some of the most important and most promising trends of the year, you should read the following suggestions, through the professional eyes of a b2b tour operator.

● Environmentally- Friendly Tourism

Every setback is most of the time followed by a bold renaissance.
Therefore, in the post-pandemic years after 2020-2021, when our right for travelling and exploring has been massively deprived, we have a bold urge to cover up the lost times. The tourist traffic seems to have exceeded any forecast, and any existing previous recordings.

On the other hand, our planet has a major issue to confront, that of the climate crisis, which was for sure enhanced by the pandemic. It is urgent, to take measurements in order to limit our footprint on the planet with any way possible.

Tourism, has a significant role in both the destruction of the environment and the beneficial contribution against it. Therefore, ecotourism is on the top of the trends a b2b tour operator should be informed about, in order to create eco-friendly travel packages, also considering the aspect of transportation.

● The Alternative is the New Mainstream

This is the era in which unconventional travelling gains more popularity and thrives.
According to the data, people are not any more fascinated by luxurious offers (a habit also very harmful for the environment), sometimes they will even reject commonplace travel-plans, turning their gaze to vivid and unrepeatable experiences.

This, can be easily succeeded by adding unique activities or ones connected with the local culture, such as culinary classes or art workshops, along with innovative tour-guides that surpass the typical recommendations (e.g. street art tour, treasure hunt).

Another easily achieved service, is creating packages around Further one, the whole special thematic axis, as is well-being (as agriculture) or anything capable of moving the participants out of their comfort zones and force them to share a unique bond. Extract information around mental health or retreats, mushroom picking and other open-air nature activities.

● Embrace the Digital Era

A plain outdoor walk will remind you very quickly how dependent citizens are from their mobile phones. This consists a brief reminder of the impactful power internet, and more specifically social media have in our everyday lives, thus thoughts and choices.

This leads to a inevitable growth of Digital Marketing, making it profound that none campaign could succeed without the relevant promotion.

Therefore, a b2b tour operator. Is responsible for observing and collecting data in any way possible, including official reviews made and personal shared content.

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