Find out some interesting facts about the Netherlands and plan your best trip to the Netherlands!
The Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of the Netherlands, islands of the Caribbean sea – Aruba island and Antil islands.
The biggest port is located in Rotterdam.
Schiphol airport in Amsterdam is one of the biggest airports in Europe.
16 million Dutch are living on the territory of 41 528 square km, which is a bit less than half of the territory of Scotland.
The density of population of the Netherlands is 480 people per square meter.
The Netherlands is famous for the tulips, windmills and sabo.

The highest point of the Netherlands is 323 meters above the sea level and this is Vaalserberg Mountain.
The lowest point of the Netherlands is not far from Rotterdam and is 7 meters lower the sea level.
We would also add to the list of interesting facts about the Netherlands a point that there is about 4 400 km of rivers, channels, and lakes in the country.
The Dutch language is the native language of more than 22 million people of the Netherlands and Belgium.
The interesting fact about the Netherlands is that this is the country of the highest density of museums per square meter. In total there are about 1000 museums in the country and 42 in Amsterdam only.
One of the most interesting facts about the Netherlands is that 200 nationalities live in Amsterdam.
22 paintings of Rembrandt and 206 paintings of Van Gog can be seen in Amsterdam.

The International Court is located in Hague, in the world-known Peace Palace.
The Netherlands is known as a bikes country, counting about 15 000 km of bike roads and about 16 million of bicycles.
According to this statistics each citizen of the Netherlands possess one bike. The number of bikes in the country is twice bigger than the number of cars.
Citizens of the Netherlands are the tallest people in Europe.
Most of the Dutch people speak at least one more foreign language.
Also, Dutch people are the biggest consumers of coffee after the Scandinavian countries.
In total, the population of the Netherlands is considered to be the youngest in the European Union.
Nice post! Thank you for publishing it! I have been in the Netherlands several times and it remains one of my favorite travel destinations. Every time I find something new and amazing about this country!
Hi, I love traveling to the Netherlands as well! For me this is the best place to spend holidays. I always get what I want when visiting Holland and have never been disappointed. Beautiful country, nice people and a lot of things to do during vacations in the Netherlands!
Hey, thanks a lot for this list of interesting facts about the Netherlands! I travel to Netherlands when I have an opportunity, for m this is a very beautiful country, with a lot of things to do and where everyone can find entertainments. Keep wirting more, I look forward to read more about the Netherlands!
The Netherlands is one of my favorite travel destinations 👍