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Interesting travel facts – be inspired to explore the world

some interesting facts about travel

We have selected some interesting travel facts to entertain and motivate you explore the world. Some travel facts are educations, surprising, but we hope you like our selection and will enjoy it!

Most surprising travel facts

Did you know that Everest mountain is still growing? Right now the height of Everest is about 8 850 meters, but every year adds 4 millimeters! The tectonic platforms shift and this causes the growth of the change of the mountain height.

The city of Mexico is drowning, 10 cm each year! Mexico city is located on fragile surface surrounded with waters. The speed of drowning here is 10 times higher compared to Venice city.

Interesting air travel facts 

Have you ever wondered what is the busiest international flight route in the world? The first travel destinations you may think of as the busiest are New York and London.

But the interesting fact is that the busiest flight route is Hong Kong – Taipei, Taiwan! According to the data as of 2018, 6.5 million people have travelled these flight routes. 

By the number of flights, Kuala Lumpur – Singapore are the top city pair – 30 537 flights per year! This is also one of the shortest flights, the length of which is about 1 hour only. 

Interesting facts about air companies and profits 

  • Air companies earn more then 640 billion dollars a year.
  • There are more than 600 air companies in USA only, making profit in the amount of 175 billion per year, which makes 1/4 of the world’s air business income.

Top air travel fact – why food tastes different on a plane?

Do you travel by plane? Have you noticed that same food can taste different in the air and on the ground. Does food change so much? The answer is that when the plane is flying higher the taste receptors change.

This is by the way one of the reasons why a lot of passengers order the Bloody Mary in the plane. The tomato juice doesn’t seem so sour then.

The air companies have salts and various species on board to make the drink taste better.

travel facts

Other air travel facts

  • American Airlines cut their flight budgets for 40 000 USD taking out just one olive from the salad….
  • Pilot and pilot’s Assistant must eat different food. Even though it sounds strange there is ground for that – there are two pilots in the plane and if one of them feels unwell after taking food, the other one will be able to substitute him during the flight.
  • There are 600 air companies in USA and each 8th job in the US is connected with tourism.
  • If all of the sudden in the middle of the flight somebody decided to leave the plane and open the door, don’t worry, he will not be able to open the door when the plane is in the air. When the plane is flying the air creates pressure on the doors making it almost impossible to open. Even if there are several men with extraordinary strength abilities they will not open the doors in the plane.
  • The most busy airport in the world is the International airport of Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport, USA. 95.5 million passengers are going through this airport every year.
  • Jet lag feels worse for traveling from West to East.

Weather forecast predicting fact

When you look into the sky and see the white line left by the airplane you can predict the weather for the nearest time. If the line you see is too thick this may be the sign of the coming storm, for example. The thickness of the line depends on the humidity of the air.

he world's most amazing travel facts

Interesting travel facts about countries

  • Austria is the most socially protected country in terms of rest. It is guaranteed that a minimum of 22 paid leave days and 13 days of paid holidays per year are allowed to each working person.
  • France is the most popular country among the tourists.
  • Canada is known as a place with the biggest number of lakes – almost 3 million of lakes!
  • India is the country with highest density of population. Currently there are about 1,5 mln people.
  • The Principality of Monaco is smaller than the territory of the central park of New York.
  • Almost 50% of the population of Canada has higher education.
  • The territory of Libya is 99% desert.
  • US is the location of 1/3 of the world’s airports.
  • Saudi Arabia is the country, with no rivers.
  • 600 people work each day in Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  • Australia has more then 10 000 beaches.
  • If you love to travel by trains – visit London! There are 270 train stations in the city and location underground is one of the oldest in the world.

Interesting travel facts about countries

Interesting facts about France

Did you know, that France, one of the most visited countries in the world is smaller than the territory of Texas state! Even though the size of the country is smaller there are so many places to visit and facts to learn about this amazing country! 

By the way, France is twice a big as the UK and 8 times the size of Ireland. 

It is always fun to learn interesting facts about places around the world and France is an exceptional place where you can find out plenty of historical facts and contemporary art. 

On the territory of France the largest Art Museum, the Louvre is situated. They say you need 30 seconds to see each exhibit in the Louvre museum and then you would need only 100 days to see all the pieces of art of Louvre Museum in Paris. 

By the way 66% of all of the artworks represented in Louvre were created by French artists. 

The most famous art exhibits of the Louvre Museum in Paris are:

  • The Wedding at Cana
  • The Venus de Milo
  • The Mona Lisa
  • The Raft of the Medusa
  • The Horse Tamers

One of the most interesting facts about the Louvre Museum is that it used to be a fortress, built in the 12th century. Later the building was renovated and served as a Royal Palace in the 16th century. 

If you plan a trip to Paris and would like to learn more interesting facts about its facts, plan to visit historical places, make sure to get a Museum Pass. It will give you an opportunity to skip the line tickets to 60 most visited museums and monuments in Paris. 

Of course you will be able to visit Versailles, famous the Centre Pompidou, the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum. 

More interesting travel facts about France

Each year more than 25 000 tones of snails (escargot) are eaten in France! Which means about 500 snails per year per 1 resident of France! Snails are delicacy and very popular during holidays season in France. Snails are cooked in garlic and butter, and the best way to try them is to visit one one of the typical French restaurants. 

France and cheese 

Interesting fact about France is that more than 1 500 types of cheese are produced here. Cheese is one of those popular products tourists aim to try first of all upon arriving to France. France occupies the 10th place among the countries, which consume the biggest volume of cheese in the world. 

French cheese is very popular and almost 96% of the population of France eats cheese. If you are visiting France, take advantage to try French cheese! 

Interesting fact about Supermarkets In France 

Did you know that in France supermarkets are forbidden to though away food, the term of which runs out soon? In other words the food approaching the “Best by” date cannot be thrown way! 

According to the Law, issued in 2016, French supermarkets must donate such food to food banks or charity organizations for further distribution. The aim of the Law is to reduce the wastage of food and fight hunger problem. 

Every year almost 45 000 pounds of food is donated by French supermarkets! 

The Tour de France 

The Tour De France is one of the most spectacular events, attracting millions of views. But did you know that this events has an interesting history and has been being arranged for more than 100 years already! 

For the first time the Tour De France took place in 1903, and now this is one of the biggest and most prestigious cycling tournaments. 

French Wine 

France is famous for wine production and of course, you would like to know more interesting travel facts about it.

Did you know, that 25 mln hectoliters of wine – this is the amount of wine annually consumed in France! 

Compared to the USA, which consumes 30 mln hectoliters per year, France occupies the 2nd place. 

But France is also world known for producing the most expensive wines in the world.

The price for a bottle of the most expensive French wine is $21 000. 

If you plan traveling to France add to your itinerary visiting Bordeaux, Champagne, Rhode Valley, Provence – the most popular regions where wine is produced. 

More facts on traveling

If you are planning a visit to Vietnam, you should be aware that the official Vietnamese language is rather complicated – it has 6 different toned! Pronouncing a word with a change of tone means change of the meaning of the word.

Olives are being grown at the Mediterranean coast since 4000 BC.

Bordeaux is famous all over the world for red wines production. But before 1970 the region of Bordeaux was producing more white wines.

The meaning of Meteora is “suspended in air”. The reason is the monasteries were built on Meteora’s rocks years ago. Unfortunately only 6 of them have been preserved till today. 4 of monasteries are now the residencies for the Monks. The nuns live in the other 2 monasteries of Meteora. .

6 thoughts on “Interesting travel facts – be inspired to explore the world”
  1. Hello! Interesting blog, many thanks for sharing! I also would like to share a few facts re what are the benefits of travel. Travel Makes Traveling Can Boost Your Creativity.
    Travel makes you happier.
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  2. Hi, these are the most visited by international tourist destinations: France, Spain, United States and China.

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