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Interesting facts about Ukraine

If you are planning a trip to Ukraine you would want to learn more about the history and traditions of Ukraine. We have listed some interesting facts about Ukraine for…

Places to visit in Ukraine: discover Kachanovka park in Chernigiv oblast

What are the most special places to visit in Ukraine? Where is it possible to learn about the history of Ukraine and feel the atmosphere and get in touch with…

Botanic Garden – amazing spot of greenery in Kiev city

Botanic garden Kiev is located close to the center of the city, covering the territory of 129,86 hectares. Huge collection of 10 000 kinds of plants and herbs is presented in the…

Alexandria Park in Bila Tzerkva, Ukraine – place for romantic walk and weddings

Alexandria park in the city of Bila Tzerkva (literally White Church)  is located approximately 80 km and 1,5 – 2 hours drive by car from Kiev. The population of Bila…