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Fun trip ideas for your winter vacations

Fun trip ideas in the list of Best Trip Gallery suggestions will help you plan amazing vacations during winter. Sounds interesting, right? 😊

There is no secret that most of people prefer having vacations during spring or summer seasons. Of course, the weather conditions are more favorable. But there are so many fun trip ideas for winter vacations that you might want to change your mind and try something extraordinary this year.

Traveling in winter is a bit different of course the trips in winter, because the days are shorter and the nights are longer, there is the issue of temperatures change if you are going to another country in winter. That also means you need to think thoroughly about your wardrobe and luggage items.

This is a new challenge – you are going to start a New Year with a trip to the new place. No need to plan exhausting long travels abroad – you may also consider short weekend breaks, there are so many fun trip ideas for that as well. We defined best cities for visiting in winter in our fun trip ideas list.

Fun trip idea for active traveler during winter season – going to Washington DC

Have fun and comfortable winter vacations in Washington DC – all the facilities are close and easy to reach.

  • The Jefferson Pools, Hot Springs Virginia are one of the places for visiting we recommend. Take a trip with friends or family to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
  • Hiking to Old Rag Mountain, or rent a bike
  • Inn at Little Washington offers romantic stay
  • Beach trip – to Virginia Beach – your chance to see whales

One of the fun trip ideas in winter is going to San Francisco, where you can have romantic unforgettable weekend. For those who prefer going to the Northern part there may visit wine country while travelers going to the South will witness the most amazing misty forests and more.

In the Eastern part you will enjoy the snow. We suggest making a trip to Calistoga, Fort Bragg and Big Sur.

What are fun trip ideas in the area near New York City?

Hudson River Valley is one of the major tourist attractions and locals who living in New York. The advantage of making a trip to Hudson River Valley is that it would not a lot of time, you can book a room for the night stay, go hiking, etc.