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Number of tourists will be calculated and tracked down in Venice soon

Number of tourists in Venice

Would you like to know how many tourists are visiting your city? Venice is going to have detailed data on the number of people coming to the city.

Special devices will be installed in Venice in order to obtain statistic data on the number of tourists visiting the city. This innovation will be introduced based on the decision of authorities of Venice. If the decision is adopted by the government of Italy and UNESCO then pretty soon in the most popular places of Venice, through which most of the tourists are arriving, the automated machines will be set.

The idea of installing such machines is to get more accurate information on the number of tourists in Venice and to keep under control number of people traveling to Venice for the same period of time.

The local authorities developed a set of measures to regulate the tourists’ flow and to make it more comfortable for local citizens, hoping this will solve the issue since may claim that huge flows of tourists interfere with their own lives. They also are launching a special informational program to explain the tourists the reasons of such measures.

For example in 2016 more than 300 000 tourists arrived at Venice for Easter, while the number of local citizens is no more than 270 000. No doubt arrival of so many people to Venice might have caused some inconveniences for local people.

The authorities of Venice are going to declare exact dates when the highest peak of tourists is to be expected in Venice.

They also plan to open new areas with food services, change the schedule of water taxies, taking tourists to Grand Channel and increase the number of policemen.

All of these measures are aimed to bring more order to the tourists flow to Venice as well as to take care of the life of local citizens, whose rhythm of life would not depend on tourist season anymore.